Tips to Get Rid of Public Speaking Fear

Do you hesitate to speak in public? Aren't you confident enough to address a large group of people? Getting anxious, seeing excellent speakers of your team? Remember, first public speaking isn't the skill we inherit or could gain just by referring book, but it is developed by years of practice. Public speaking is the skill that can only be developed by years of practice. If you are determined and work enough over it soon, you are going to master it and will surely be applauded for your efforts. Nowadays, the world is of intense competition. Now who has the better convincing skills can win the customers? Public Speaking has now become a vital skill for business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, business executives, trainers, etc. Not only in business, but it has also become a crucial aspect in other sectors too. It enables and allows interacting with people, establishing yourself as a leader, influencer, and even create a unique identity. But for many public speaking is a nightmare. And just thought of a huge crowd sitting in the hall can spike your adrenaline rush and will break in a cold. It's oblivious. When you tensed for anything, the human mind gears to scrutinize all negative thoughts and can think off.

Whenever you are asked to speak publicly, several thoughts start stimulating in your mind. What might my audience think? Will I lose my credibility? Such thoughts subside your confidence level. But it's not the end. Every presenter or speaker faces terrible experiences. Just following some tips and tricks can make you a great speaker. So just start fresh with positivity while referring some easy hacks:

  • Start Fresh Don't Let Your Failure Empower Your Future: its human tendency to over thinks about the failures. Negative thoughts harness individuals to succeed. But in the presentation world, you need to conquer your negative thoughts. If you haven't presented your audience well in the past, believe that it would happen again and again. Memorize about successful moments; it will surely accelerate your positive energy.  
  • Change Your Perceptions: While thinking of giving a presentation, often failure thoughts start rolling in our heads. We exaggerate negative thoughts too much. We don't realize we have performed very well several times. Change your perceptions; don't let your failures ruin your endeavors.
  • Acknowledge Your Mistakes: If you have ended up giving a terrible speech. Don't just overstress it. Instead, work on it, analyze the blunders, work on them.
  • Preparation: As now you have analyzed all your mistakes, it time now to prepare for your speech. A great presentation doesn't happen by chance. Its result of thorough competition. Here are some preparation tips.

·         Research about the topic you were asked to discuss

·         Put your audience first; try out newer ways to arouse their interest.

·         Tailor presentation in a way that resonates with your audience.

·         Use easy to understand words, you are not here for a vocabulary competition but to attract your audience.  

·         Use interesting visual aids it you are from the business sector use a pre-designed business PowerPoint templates, which will assist in showcasing your points precisely.  

                        Rehearse: There isn't any shortcut to success. Rehearse again and again till you attain perfection. The more you practice, the more you will reduce the nervousness. If possible, create a presentation setup, practice in front of the mirror, and practice out loud.  

                        Practice in Distractions: Yes, you heard it right. Your meeting hall won't be a silent place, like your room. In meetings, you have to face several distractions like murmuring noise, phone call sounds, etc. So never forget to practice in distractions put on your tv or rehearse in front of a group of people.   

                        Posture: In an attempt to become absolutely perfect, we commit so many mistakes that turn to be disastrous. We neglect the importance of body posture. Body posture, hand gestures, eye-contact have great importance in public speaking.

                        Visualization: You can have an excellent communication skill, but how you visualize your points are of greater importance. Visuals make the presentation entertaining. Add amazing business presentation templates, PowerPoint Diagrams, etc.

                        Know Your Audience: Understand your audience, if possible, interact with them before the meeting, which will descend your stress level.

                        Think Your Presentation as Conversation: You will surely freight if you consider your presentation as a performance or a war. Remember, you are not an actor, but are here to share knowledge.  

                        Slow Down: Don't hassle to end your presentation. Nothing shows your nervousness more than racing with your presentation. To make your presentation effective, make sure they hear your presentation well.     

                        Make Eye Contact: This one is a very important factor. It makes your audience like the speaker is talking to them. Eye contact even increases the interest level in your audience.  

                        Use Humours and Try to Entertain Your Audience: Don't let your presentation be too formal. Serious presentation often tends to be boring. The best way to spice up your presentation is by using cartoonish graphics, emojis, clipart's, and just by saying some jokes.

                        Project Confidence: Your confidence in yourself reflects in your presentation too. Your voice note, body language, well-designed Presentation templates, way of interaction reflects your confidence.  

                        Ask for Feedback: Often time we hesitate to ask feedback as we are fret of criticism. But criticism should be accepted and should be taken as advice to develop a flawless presentation.

Public Speaking isn't a thing to worry about. Whether you give speeches is just an occasional toastmaster, this content will surely help you to honk your skills.           


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